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2021-07-05 23:52:02
匿名用户 2021-07-06 14:44:15

每人抱起咱,考试临近每个人都希望能有个好成绩顺利通过,但是时间不等人,考试越来越近,去年考过的同事建议我联络̷ɋ̷ɋ̷: 𝟑̶5̶2̶𝟕̶𝟑𝟐̶𝟗̶𝟕̶5̶之后,感觉帮助很大,希望能这次顺利过关。头砸开每人抱起一大块就啃啃得满嘴满脸猴屁股般的红艳大家一个劲地指着对方吃吃地笑瓜裂得古怪奇形怪状却咱

匿名用户 2021-07-07 00:24:48

2018年上半年网络工程师考试上午真题(参考答案) (英语题答案)● With circuit switching a __(1)__path is established between two stations for communication . Switching and transmission resources within the network are __(2)__for the exclusive use of the circuit for the duration of the connection . The connection is__(3)__:Once it is established ,It appears to attached devises as if there were a direct connection. Packet switching was designed to provide a more efficient faciltiy than circult switching for ( ) data trat……


2018年上半年网络工程师考试上午真题(参考答案) (英语题答案)● With circuit switching a __(1)__path is established between two stations for communication . Switching and transmission resources within the network are __(2)__for the exclusive use of the circuit for the duration of the connection . The connection is__(3)__:Once it is established ,It appears to attached devises as if there were a direct connection. Packet switching was designed to provide a more efficient faciltiy than circult switching for ( ) data tratffic. Each packet contains some portion of the user data plus control information needed for proper functioning of the network. A key distinguishing element of packet_switching networks is whether the internal operation is datagram or virtual circuit . With internal virtual circuits,a route is defined between two endpoints and all packets for that virtual circuit follow the__(4)__ route, With internal datagrams,each packet is treated independently,and packets intended for the same destination may follow different routes.(1)A.uniqueB. dedicatedC. ndent(2)A.discardedB. abandonedC. reservedD. broken(3)A. ctD. transparent(4)A.nt(5)A. sameB. differentC. le● 浮点数的表示分为阶和尾数两部分。两个浮点数相加时,需要先对阶,即(1)(n为阶差的绝对值)。(6)A.将大阶向小阶对齐,同时将尾数左移n位B.将大阶向小阶对齐,同时将尾数右移n位C.将小阶向大阶对齐,同时将尾数左移n位D.将小阶向大阶对齐,同时将尾数右移n位● 计算机运行过程中,遇到突发事件,要求CPU暂时停止正在运行的程序,转去为突发事件服务,服务完毕,再自动返回原程序继续执行,这个过程称为( ),其处理过程中保存现场的目的是( )。(7)A.阻塞B.中断C.动态绑定D.静态绑定(8)A.防止丢失数据B.防止对其他部件造成影响C.返回去继续执行原程序D.为中断处理程序提供数据● 著作权中,( )的保护期不受限制(9)A.发表权B.发行权C.署名权D.展览权● 王某是某公司的软件设计师,完成某项软件开发后按公司规定进行软件归档。以下有关该软件的著作权的叙述中,正确的是( )(10)A.著作权应由公司和王某共同享有B.著作权应由公司享有C.著作权应由王某享有D.除署名权以外,著作权的其它权利由王某享有● 海明码是一种纠错码,其方法是为需要校验的数据位增加若干校验位,使得校验位的值决定于某些被校位的数据,当被校数据出错时,可根据校验位的值的变化找到出错位从而纠正错误。对于32位的数据,至少需要增加( )个校验位才能构成海明码。以10位数据为例,其海明码表示为D9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1中,其中Di(0≤i≤9)表示数据位,Pj(1≤j≤4)表示校验位,数据位D9由P4、P3和P2进行校验(从右至左D9的位序为14,即等于8+4+2,因此用8位的P4、第4位的P3和第2位的P2校验),数据位D5由( 7 ) 进行校验。(11)A.3B.4C.5D.6(12)A.P4P1B.P4P2C.P4P3P1D.P3p2p1● 流水线的吞吐率是指单位时间流水线处理任务数,如果各段流水的操作时间不同,则流水线的吞吐率是( )的倒数。(13)A.最短流水段操作时间B.各段流水的操作时间总和C.最长流水段操作时间D.流水段数乘以最长流水段操作时间● 某软件项目的活动图如下图所示,其中顶点表示项目里程碑,连接顶点的边表示包含的活动,边上的数字表示活动的持续天数,则完成该项目的最少时间为( )天。活动EH和IJ的松弛时间分别为( )天

匿名用户 2021-07-13 14:31:24

2018年消防工程师考试时间是11月10日和11日,都没有开始考试,怎么会有答案!!!!!你可以去 官 网 消防工程师版块参考一下15-17年的题!!!

匿名用户 2021-07-13 15:44:45

