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2021-03-13 05:01:21
匿名用户 2021-03-15 05:07:21

一,房地产建筑合同印花税是指因房地产买卖、房地产产权变动、转移等而对书立的或领受的房地产凭证的单位和个人征收的一种税赋。是购买一手房时缴纳的,税率是0.05%。 二,契税是以所有权发生转移变动的不动产为征税对象,向产权承受人征收的一种财产税。购买一手房二手房都要交。现行契税优惠税率如下: 首次购房,90平米(不含)以下1%,90-144平米(不含)1.5%,144平米以上3%;二套房契税一律3%。个别城市首套房契税2%,二套房契税4%,即未优惠的税率。比如南昌,常德等城市。

匿名用户 2021-03-15 05:30:21


匿名用户 2021-03-17 05:26:21

我是歌手第三季第六期的冠军是谭维维。   第一名:谭维维《灯塔》   第二名:孙楠《突然想爱你》   第三名:李健《袖手旁观》   第四名:黄丽玲《Halo》   第五名:张靓颖《忘情桑巴舞》   第六名:韩红《你是这样的人》   第七名:古巨基《匆匆那年》   返场歌手:胡彦斌《眼色》   谭维维,歌手,1982年10月8日出生于四川,2002年参加全国歌手大奖赛获优秀奖,2006年获得“超级女声”全国总决赛亚军,2009年凭借歌曲《遇见》获得台湾电影金马奖最佳原创歌曲奖。2015年,参加湖南卫视《我是歌手》第三季 ;3月20日,在《我是歌手》第三季突围赛中以第二名突围成功;3月27日,在《我是歌手》第三季总决赛中冲进前六强;4月23日,获酷音乐亚洲盛典——内地年度最受关注艺人;6月3日,谭维维新歌《那时的光》上线;6月11日,谭维维公布巡演视觉宣传片;6月21日,谭维维2015“维所欲为”演唱会在北京工人体育馆举行;9月12日,谭维维“维所欲为”巡回演唱会在深圳开唱。

匿名用户 2021-03-18 05:52:21


匿名用户 2021-03-22 05:42:21


匿名用户 2021-03-24 05:22:21

1-5 CBACB 6-10 CBCAA 11-15 BCBCA (16-20 One possible version) 16. eight 17. an hour 18. souvenirs 19. fifty minutes 20. grasslands 21-25 BACAB 26-30 ADBBC (31-40 One possible version) 31. Another 32. northern 33. of 34. what 35. where 36. caught 37. the 38. that 39. But 40. was sung 41-45 ADCBB 46-50 CBADB 51-55 BABCD 56-60 CFEBA 基础写作 (One possible version) In recent years, studying abroad has been popular for middle school students, for which we had a discussion last Monday. 6……


1-5 CBACB 6-10 CBCAA 11-15 BCBCA (16-20 One possible version) 16. eight 17. an hour 18. souvenirs 19. fifty minutes 20. grasslands 21-25 BACAB 26-30 ADBBC (31-40 One possible version) 31. Another 32. northern 33. of 34. what 35. where 36. caught 37. the 38. that 39. But 40. was sung 41-45 ADCBB 46-50 CBADB 51-55 BABCD 56-60 CFEBA 基础写作 (One possible version) In recent years, studying abroad has been popular for middle school students, for which we had a discussion last Monday. 68% of us think it is good for students because we can learn foreign languages more quickly and learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries. However, 32% think most of the students are too young to live alone without any living experience and of course the costs are much higher there than at home. Besides, being far away from home, we may feel lonely and homesick. In my opinion, it is a good idea to attend schools abroad because there are more advantages than disadvantages. 读写任务 (One possible version) Money doesn’t mean everything While some people work for money because they need money to help their family survive, rich people own too much and spend a lot of money for what they want. We have to admit that most people work hard so that they can earn more money. When they have more money, they spend more and because they spend more, they have to work even harder. Thus, they are trapped in a circle that never ends. Money can provide us with bigger and better houses and cars, but those so-called rich people never seem to have time to enjoy them. Instead, they have less time for themselves and to enjoy being with their friends and family. In a word, money doesn’t mean increased happiness. Therefore, we ought to worry less about money and we should always remember that “doing” is much more important than “having”. 重点解析 21. B。根据下文“找寻钥匙孔有困难”可知“头顶的灯不亮了”,故选B。 22. A。根据下文可知,“我”已经把门打开,进了屋。manage to do sth意为“成功地做某事”。 23. C。根据上文可知,由于没有灯,“我”只好摸索着找开关,只有felt符合文意。 24. A。根据下文提示“switched the lamp on”可知答案为A。 25. B。由上文可知,“我”在那天早些时候发现有灯,故选B。 26. A。根据语境可知,这盏灯亮了。 27. D。light与上文的“dark”形成对比。 28. B。根据文意和下句“the light that shines from people”可知,人们的“心灵之光”比实际的灯光更必要。physical在此意为“物质的,自然界的”。 29. B。当人们失望或害怕时需要帮助,in need of“需要”。 30. C。由上文“let your light shine”可知,在别人需要帮助时主动提供帮助,故选C。 31. Another。由第一段谈论圣诞节的传统可知此处是谈论另外一个传统“snow”,故要用another。 32. northern。由此空格后的名词part可知此处需要形容词。 33. of。此空格后为名词snow,故要填介词。 34. what。空格后的句子为表语从句且缺少主语,故要用what。 35. where。句中live为不及物动词,故后接where引导的地点状语从句。 36. caught。此句的主语为Irving Berlin,根据句中的“who was born in 1888”可知,谓语动词要用一般过去时态。 37. the。形容词最高级要用定冠词the。 38. that。此空格后的句子用于解释说明前面的名词idea,故要用引导词that。 39. But。分析语境可知,“很多人都……,但是……”。故要用连词but表示转折。 40. was sung。动词sing与主语之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故要用被动语态。 41. A。从第三段第一句可知,Washoe的第一项任务是参与太空研究项目(research use in the space program)。 42. D。倒数第二段中“Roger, through his ongoing conversations with Washoe and her extended family, has opened a window into a chimpanzee’s mind”是对“the importance of the work with Washoe”的具体说明。 43. C。从“who believed that language is unique to humans”和“doubted”等词句可推知,科学家对Washoe’s language skills持质疑态度。 44. B。从第三段中最后一句可知,Washoe还教其它黑猩猩学习手势语,因此B项推理正确。 45. B。从“… in Washoe, Nevada, for which it was named”可知,Washoe是为纪念一个地名而起的。 46. C。从首段可知,本文意在报道一项研究发现,即孩子食用低盐食品可少患肥胖。 47. B。从第二段中“It has been shown that sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption is related to obesity in young people.”和第四段最后一句可知,喝含糖饮料会导致热量摄入而引发肥胖,因此B项正确。 48. A。通过第四段可知,A项所述为新的研究发现。 49. D。第五段直接说出低盐的食物可以预防高血压;结合以上几段可知低盐食物可以让孩子少喝含糖的饮料,而含糖的饮料会导致发胖,因此D项正确。 50. B。根据最后一段中的第一句可知B项正确。 51. B。从第一段中可知,“wugging”是指通过“web use”针对“charity”的“giving”,因此B项理解最准确。 52. A。通过第三段可知,Everyclick.com让经济拮据的学生实现了不出钱也可以做慈善,因此A项正确。 53. B。从第三段中“it allows them to use the technology on a daily basis to give to charity”可知B项正确。 54. C。从倒数第二段可知,学生和慈善团体均受益于Everyclick.com,因此C项正确。 55. D。“wugging”、“students”和“charity”是该文话题中的三个重要元素,因此D项标题最具针对性 答案解析的网站,可以去那看看,不知道那个是适合你的。
